chuckee's day

Ramblings inside this old head and travels of chuckee the black dog.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thursday's this is one of those days

One of the horoscope writers said I was needing to get something off my chest and have not figured out what that is about yet. But then it may not be about me huh!!Chuck had his morning meal and out the door he went, see what the neighbor dogs are going to do today, kind of over cast now just a late I went to a doctor appointment the other day and he is teamed up with one of the hospital's to use interns, so I am setting there talking to this young guy and up to his nose with is hand wipes it and down to his pants leg it goes. I did not say any thing to him should I have? Of all things to take away from the visit is the way this guy wipes his nose where is my head? Will say this he afford his hand when I was leaving I did not shake hands I how ever pointed out the box of tissues on disk. But you think or may be not how many other people he might shake hands with in the coarse of the day I would have been one had I not seen what his habit was can only hope the doctor sees it and correct him, I know passing the buck ain't I. Do you like to be correct by a person you just meet or someone you know? I will think about this for a while longer but for Now you have a nice day By Now Herb Butcher


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Head Doctor or is Doctor for your Head?

We met once I told him what I was taking to help me with a problem and he said I can't give you that but I can giveyou something else. At the time I did not care and I got automatic refills so life goes on til the side effects of what He put me on started. For a man 50 the side effects were just like my prostate glan was acting up and so the med doctor He has to rule out that the glan is not swollen and will just say that is something I do not want more than once a year. But any way it was OK and the head doctor got into his bag of drugs and found something else to give me to try. Now to go back we only ment once 8 months ago for 20 minutes at most today he ask me if the med. was working How am I to know how is it make me seem to you? I was told a man of that profession would do me some good if we do not see each other is not doing me any good though. Just one of those days for me, it will be better tomorrow Huh. By Now

Monday, October 26, 2009

Worked the weekend to improve traffic to web site

You know I should have read the fine print on a web site I hooked up with a while back I was thinking they were going to work with me on this new project of mine but that is not happening. So I set out to see if there is a way to generate some traffic myself don't know the answer ain't but will see not really sure how it all works. I am going at this the only way I could think of as though I were talking to you and you are so kind to listen to run my head. Facts, stats, I don't got none of those things but if they were to make this work for me I am sure there could be some around. Like it is one mile to main Highway, and three miles to down town stop light population is 4800 give or take and the old muddy water (ohio) river runs past here every day. By Now


Friday, October 23, 2009

getting the ad's where they belong

hope this works for now

"Rejection" the feeling one get's from it.

When talking about this subject there are different levels of being turned down. Let's say how you might feel when your cat flips it tail when you call it walks away, you may have a few choice words for the cat but let that rejection go. Or say the one when your bank card gets turned down, yeah in the check out line no one was in til you got there and then every body in store gets to hear the teller say this card is being rejected, myself I get red faced and try to get small. But it is still a different than the vending machine won't take your dollar or the quarter no one around to complainer to about it but still better than losing it huh. And for us guys the rejection not getting any mud for our turtle is a different when the reason is that Aunt Flow is in for her visit, than the I have a head pain rejection. I just do not do will with any of them you would think it gets easier but no I guess I am spoiled in that way. But my bank shot me down on a note credit score not high enough, and that is different than family members saying no to a co-sign with me I do not know what is going to come of my writing could be for the best. But I would rather stick around and give this a good shot of working out I am sure not every one is a noble winner and my only argument is the job market is not that great either.
By Now


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Chuck and his sleeping habits are a little different

It was the first time he woke me up coughing, so I sprang from my bed to see what the matter, and what to my wanderers eyes did I see "not very will you see black dog" was Chuck in his bed laying on his back his head off the side. Feet up in the air it must have been a dream when I called to him the legs going every which way til he got lined out, looked me as to say what, what, I am sleeping here gets some water and back in his bed. I have had dogs for the biggest part of my life this one has been fun to watch grow into his adult hood, his ways things he likes and don't like, people who have not seen it first hand do not believe that my dog is as much a child to me as your baby is to you. He grows so fast it was a year ago I was going behind him cleaning messes up and now he has learned to get me up to go out side, to me that is cool But that is my boy. By Now

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

If I can just hold on I feel this will work

I an in talks with my bank to help with this plan of mine and not sure if they under stand what it is I am trying or wanting to do and that may come back to get me. I am putting more and learn more about this line of work just hope it is fast enough to make the bank notes. Not so much funny as in laughter as odd the bank wants a co-signer the social security people had me dead and my history was no more so I have to start again. But the thing is she is younger than me and right now she does not know what she is doing tomorrow. On the Blog side of this project having a little trouble with the lingo again I am to put a mega tag into my Home page and can not find it. But like I said this is a learning thing and I will find it so for now. By Now.

Friday, October 16, 2009

chuck meets his first Horse

Don't know where the day is going Chuck had me up at 4:30am I thought there was a
bear wolverine or venomous duck or some thing going to get me, really had not he rad
him talk like that. Got up turned all out side lights on, Chuck behind me just talking
at the top of his voice when what to my wanderers eyes should be standing there but the
neighbor's Horse from down the road. Chuck going on and on some about let me at him as
he stood behind me, don't know if you ever seen a horse kick a dog but they are slow to
get up if they do at all. Had that wake up to start the day and if that would have been
the end of it good, every little sound today again with the loud voice that my boy.
I know this is short but the old head has got something else on it, couple of things
I got this guy sends me letter's last name Bill he has different first name's elect.
Internet, satellite, and he always wants money have you meet some one like that.
By Now

Monday, October 12, 2009

Neighbors and pecking order

Did you ever watch a dog or your dog around other dogs? What I find amusing is the way the will play all day together chancing rabbits, squirrels, chip and dales, and who knows what come home and get into a spat like one said something about the other's mother and it is on. Chuck will he is like the guy or to be P.C. Person you want on your side when the brawl breaks out never seen any cuts or bleeding in any of these spats sounds worse than it is, few minutes later off they go to chase something else like nothing ever happened. When Chuck comes in for the evening I ask him what it was about, but he never tells me dog code I guess. I remember now why I mention Chuckee's size for now the neighbors are small dogs beagles Chuck is all legs and 70 to75 lbs. and don't give a toot for nothing except dinner and breakfast. Food we have cats we feed cant touch um just feed um and we have windows that go to floor, food bowl outside and a possum was in it Chuck was not having any part of that he cant eat the cat food and this possum could nothing would do but to take that cat food away and put it up for just the cats.You know I never asked nor do I know who to ask what kind of stories you like? Maybe I'll look into that
By Now

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wedensday, hump day, best I could do day.

Poor old Chuck he tries so hard to get this computer thing down
and really is doing good if he could get all the info to what he is
working on why he would be in that high cotton. Or may be if he
was to understand more of what he is reading may be he would
have his work done and could be doing something else. I got
that camera out to put some pic's on here dropped it don't think I
found all the pisces yet but solved a question if it still worked it
will not now. You know been working on this other thing messing
with codes and copying and paste finding places to put these
codes is some kind of a secret, I do know that they go where people
will see them, you know when they are setting on the bench by the
sign-in board. So look here I am going to try again to stick these
codes some where You all Have A Nice Day ya-hear By Now.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

chuck learning to dress up blog page

Just trying to make the page (if that is what it called) more appealing the eye,
then I think to myself if I make this look the way I like it will you like it, and is
this my way of making some thing harder than it really is. Chuck did have a fun
time playing with the colors, then he had to figure out what HTML I think that
was what it is, stood for and still don't. But then like I been doing a lot of guess I
copied some thing that looked like a html and pasted to a page and some one
told me I guessed right and to check out what I done but could not find it yet.
Something I saw when I got on here was a note that I had "my bad" something
got to find a way to find that problem and fix it, did not stop me form pecking
out my 9 wpm to share all of this with you if the "my bad" up set any one I apologize not knowing what I did does worry me. Just had a thought better act on it while it is Rambling around By now.
