chuckee's day

Ramblings inside this old head and travels of chuckee the black dog.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 - Welcome to AOL - Welcome to AOL
It has been a strange day which just might be carried over last nite chuckee was up and down no-see-mas moving around
and when chuckee does not sleep no one does. So as you could imagine he layed around and had me work around him now he is off chasing who knows what will be home soon covered with burrs, brambles and will cry when I comb them out. The fall of the year can be bad for those burrs and long hair, Chuckee with his short hair makes it better. He went to the
doctor yesterday and had his eyes looked at, then told him about the flu shot of course he teared up don't like needles you know. Getting dark Chuckee will be home soon going to run for now by now.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

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