Thursday's this is one of those days
One of the horoscope writers said I was needing to get something off my chest and have not figured out what that is about yet. But then it may not be about me huh!!Chuck had his morning meal and out the door he went, see what the neighbor dogs are going to do today, kind of over cast now just a late I went to a doctor appointment the other day and he is teamed up with one of the hospital's to use interns, so I am setting there talking to this young guy and up to his nose with is hand wipes it and down to his pants leg it goes. I did not say any thing to him should I have? Of all things to take away from the visit is the way this guy wipes his nose where is my head? Will say this he afford his hand when I was leaving I did not shake hands I how ever pointed out the box of tissues on disk. But you think or may be not how many other people he might shake hands with in the coarse of the day I would have been one had I not seen what his habit was can only hope the doctor sees it and correct him, I know passing the buck ain't I. Do you like to be correct by a person you just meet or someone you know? I will think about this for a while longer but for Now you have a nice day By Now Herb Butcher
Labels: nose wippers using there hands